Comentário Crítico Sobre Revisão Sistemática Baseado no Artigo: Benzodiazepínicos e Drogas Relacionadas para Insônia no Cuidado Paliativo * Critical Comments About Systematic Review Based In Paper: Benzodiazepines and Related Drugs for Insomnia

Introduction. The amount of scientific information available is huge and still growing. Systematic reviews (SR) allows better use of these information in the clinical practice by health professionals. SR may lead to analyzes of data from individual studies using a statistical method called metanalysis. This article aims to rise some comments about the concept of SR through the article of Hirst and Sloan, about the use of benzodiazepines for insomnia in patients under palliative care. Method. The search was carried out in the Cochrane Library; Medline; Em base; PsychInfo; according to strategy elaborated by the “Cochrane Pain, Palliative Care And Supportive Care Group Search Strategy”. Results. There was no clinical trial on this subject. Conclusion. There is no recommended intervention for insomnia in end stage patient that is unquestionably qualified. Negative results like this do not mean that the medication does not have effect. The researchers were only not able to demonstrate a positive or negative effect. Comment. This still is the more frequent conclusion of a Systematic Review, yielding a sensation of distrust and loss to the same reader that wants to build his/her strength inside the science. In this article we try to demonstrate that SR are exactly the same product of our daily science.
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