Test completion plan for Spent Fuel Test - Climax, Nevada Test Site

The Spent Fuel Test - Climax is being conducted 420 m below surface in the quartz monzonite unit of the Climax granitic stock at the US Department of Energy`s Nevada Test Site. This test, which is under the technical direction of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, was initiated in June 1978. Eleven spent-fuel assemblies from an operating commercial nuclear reactor were emplaced in test storage at the facility in April and May 1980. Technical data acquired during the first 2 years of the test indicated that all original test objectives will be met with a 3-year storage phase followed by post-retrieval cool-down, sampling, and analysis. This report describes the facility, the current status of test objectives, and the proposed post-retrieval monitoring and sampling of the test area. Current plans concerning decommissioning and future utilization of the facility are also presented.
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