Round Table Discussion on Placental Pathology

In this conference on reproductive failure, the placenta has been incriminated on several occasions. Dr. Hertig, whose numerous studies in this field mark an important milestone in our understanding of the normal anatomy as well as many pathologic lesions of this organ, has dwelt some time emphasizing the need for examination of the placenta. We have heard cytogenetic results obtained from the examination of cultures of this organ; placental pathology was mentioned in hybrid gestation failure, and in teratologic studies; it participates importantly in infectious diseases, etc. None of us here doubts that the placenta is a vital organ to the fetus whose normality or dysfunction often governs reproductive success. It is surprising then, how rarely this expendable organ receives the thorough examination which is given for instance to surgical specimens or, for that matter, the embryos in our experimental studies of pregnant animals. Indeed, enormous deficiencies exist in our knowledge of this organ and, in particular, we know little of the many aspects of comparative pathology of the placenta which, potentially, is a rich source for study and might contribute importantly to the understanding of many questions posed here in the last days. excellent and comprehensive treatment of the comparative normal anatomy of the placenta by Grosser (1927), Mossman (1937) and Wimsatt (1962), many gaps exist.
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