Effect of level of feed intake on the development of gastrointestinal parasitism in growing lambs.

Abstract A study was conducted to examine the role of nutrition in the development of gastrointestinal (GI) parasitism, performance and pathophysiology of parasitism in female lambs. Forty-four months old ewe lambs received for 6 weeks 0, 1500 or 7000 L 3 larvae of Teladorsagia circumcincta in two doses per week. The animals were given access to a pelleted diet to meet energy requirements for gaining weight close to their potential (H) or approximately 50% of it (L). The level of protein in the diet was 20–30% above requirements for both planes of nutrition. Measurements of body weight, serum pepsinogen concentration and faecal egg counts were taken at weekly intervals. All animals were slaughtered 2 weeks after the last larval dosing for estimation of worm count, carcass composition and reproductive tract development. Voluntary intake of infected animals decreased by approximately 10%. Both nutrition and infection influenced lamb performance and carcass composition. However, no direct effects on reproductive tract parameters due to the presence of infection were observed. The level of L 3 infection showed a significant effect not only on faecal egg counts and on worm burden, as it could be expected, but also on the proportion of females to males, which increased significantly with the level of infection. While the plane of nutrition did not show a significant effect on faecal egg counts or on worm burden, surprisingly, both female worm size and their fecundity decreased significantly with the level of nutrition. This response was accompanied by a significant increase in the concentration of circulating eosinophils suggesting that the immune response of lambs consuming high levels of energy was enhanced compared to that of lambs kept on a restricted diet. Results herein show that in young female lambs fed on adequate levels of protein, an improvement in energy supply does not only improve carcass characteristics but clearly enhances the development of resistance to GI nematodes infection. This may have decisive management implications for the control of parasitic infections in sustainable production systems.
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