A Subaru Search for Lyman$\alpha$ Emitters at z = 5.8 with an Intermediate-Band Filter

We present the results of a survey for Ly-alpha emitters at z ~ 5.8 using a new intermediate-band filter centered at lambda_c = 8275 AA with Delta-lambda_FWHM = 340 AA (i.e., the spectroscopic resolution is R ~ 23) with a combination with a traditional narrow-band centered at lambda_c = 8150 AA with Delta-lambda_FWHM = 120 AA (R ~ 68). Our observations were made with use of the Subaru Prime Focus Camera, Suprime-Cam, on the 8.2 m Subaru telescope in a sky area surrounding the high redshift quasar, SDSSp J104433.04-012522.2 at z=5.74, covering an effective sky area with ~ 720 arcmin^2. In this survey, we have found four Ly-alpha-emitter candidates from the intermediate-band image (z \~ 5.8 with Delta z ~ 0.3). Combined with our previous results based on the NB816 imaging, we discuss the star formation activity in galaxies between z ~ 5.7 and z ~ 5.9.
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