Study of genetic polymorphism of some populations of Atriplex halimus L. by isoenzymatic markers.

Atriplex halimus is a bush na ve to North Africa where it occurs abundantly. It spreads also along the Meditearnean coastal areas of Europe. This plant cons tutes a renewable richness and presents a great exibility against abiotic stress. An evalua on of its elemental and ecological use needs a determinism of the gene c pro le of its popula ons represen ng this species. In this context, a compara ve study of gene c polymorphism of six A. halimus representing different regions of Algeria : (Bechar, Ain Sefra, Mascara, Arzew, Mostaganem and Chle) was realized by the isoenzyma cs markers, which were represented by the esterases and phosphatases acids. This study show that the esterases are less polymorphes at the level of ecotypes stu- died. We no ced three isoesterases in Bechar, Ain Sefra, Mascara, Arzew and Mostaganem and an addi onal one that characterized Chle ’s ecotype and show its gene c diversity. The phosphatases acids demonstated also a weak interspeci c variability. However, it was signi cant with characteris c Chle ’s ecotype than others. The zymogram of acid phosphatases revealed the presence of 5 alleles coded by the same locus for the Bechar Ain Sefra, Mascara, Arzew and Mostaganem ecotypes and 4 alleles for the Chle eco- type.
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