Ultrastructural Study on the Cleistothecium Development in Aspergillus nidulans

Cleistothecial development in Aspergillus nidulans (teleomorph, Emericella nidulans) was examined with the transmission electron microscopy. Cleistothecial initial was a small coiled lump of cells, ca. 6 μm in diameter, which was consisted of a slightly swollen core with a short “tail” hypha. Initials were wrapped with a loose layer of hyphae. Core cells of cleistothecial initia ls were broad and multinucleated at first, then formed dikaryotic ascogenous cells, followed by post-meiotic tetra-nucleate or octa-nucleate protoasci and finally mature ascospores. Croziers were formed early during cleistothecium development. The peridial layer of mature cleistothecia was derived from the wrapping hyphae which originally invested the young cleistothecium. Completion of peridial layers development was associated with the depositing of a non-enzyme reactive material around peridial cells. Hulle cell formation during the cleistothecial development appeared to be somewhat coordinated with the developmental stages of cleistothecium.
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