Entropic uncertainty measures for large dimensional hydrogenic systems

The entropic moments of the probability density of a quantum system in position and momentum spaces describe not only some fundamental and/or experimentally accessible quantities of the system but also the entropic uncertainty measures of Renyi type, which allow one to find the most relevant mathematical formalizations of the position-momentum Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, the entropic uncertainty relations. It is known that the solution of difficult three-dimensional problems can be very well approximated by a series development in 1/D in similar systems with a non-standard dimensionality D; moreover, several physical quantities of numerous atomic and molecular systems have been numerically shown to have values in the large-D limit comparable to the corresponding ones provided by the three-dimensional numerical self-consistent field methods. The D-dimensional hydrogenic atom is the main prototype of the physics of multidimensional many-electron systems. In this work, we rigorously determine the lea...
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