Comunidades que sustentam a agricultura (CSA): avaliação de impactos em sistemas orgânicos de cultivo

The present work aimed to evaluate the impact of technologies on organic production systems in areas that are part of Communities Supported Agriculture (CSA), in the Federal District. The work, of applied nature and quantitative approach, made use of the System of Weighted Assessment of Environmental Impact of Activities of the New Rural (APOIA-NovoRural). The tool consists of 62 indicators based on the knowledge of rural producers in relation to their establishments. Data were collected in five properties. The implementation of CSA has provided positive results in environmental performance parameters. Considering the pattern of 0.7, there was an average of 0.78, with the following indexes by establishment: P1 = 0.79; P2 = 0.81; P3 = 0.8; P4 = 0.74; P5 = 0.79. Emphasis on water quality indexes, average of 0.98, sociocultural conditions, average of 0.83, and economic, average index of 0.84. On the other hand, data on soil quality, average index of 0.47, require improvements by producers, as well as the management and administration of properties, with an average index of 0.76, that can be improved.
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