Produção de matéria seca e valor nutritivo de pastagem de capim-elefante sob irrigação e adubação nitrogenada

The effect of four nitrogen (N) doses (100, 300, 500 e 700 kg/ha) and six water depths (0, 20, 40, 80, 100 and 120% of evapotranspiration) on elephant grass dry mass yield in the plant tops, crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) during the dry and rainy periods was evaluated. The N doses were the plots and the water depths constituted the subplots, according to the complete randomized blocks experimental design with four replicates. The elephant grass dry mass yield in the plant tops accumulated either in the experimental year or during the rainy period, it increased linearly both in relation to the N doses and in relation to the water depths. During the dry period, the elephant grass production increased linearly with the N doses, but it had a quadratic behavior with the applied water depths. The CP content of the leaf blades plus pseudoculm of the elephant grass increased linearly with the N doses both in the experimental year as in the dry and rainy periods being, not influenced by the applied water depths. The NDF content in the leaf blades plus pseudoculm of the elephant grass plants was negatively influenced by the N doses during the experimental year and in the dry period, it was positively influenced by the supplement irrigation in the rainy period. The IVDMD of the leaf blades plus pseudoculm of the elephant grass was adjusted to the regression quadratic model according to the N doses only in the experimental year and in the rainy period; however, it was not influenced by the water depths. In the dry period, the IVDMD was not influenced by any of the studied variables.
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