Is ethanol consumption beneficial for oral lichen planus

Summary Oral lichen planus (OLP), one of the most common oral mucosa diseases, is an auto-immune disease characterized histologically by basal keratinocyte damage and interface lymphocyte reaction. Previous studies have proved ethanol consumption can suppress immune system in many aspects, including inhibiting lymphocytes proliferation and their function, modifying antigen-presentation, etc. Pathogenesis of the OLP mainly comprises of antigen-presentation, lymphocytes activation and keratinocyte apoptosis, all of which may be inhibited by ethanol consumption. Thus, we put forth our hypothesis that chronic ethanol consumption may decrease OLP incidence and OLP treatment except the erosive type may benefit from ethanol consumption. In the discussion, we also talk about the extent of ethanol consumption. Still ethanol abuse is not commended, for it may increase incidence of many other diseases, and moderate ethanol consumption may be potentially beneficial for other auto-immune diseases.
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