Big Security for Big Data: Addressing Security Challenges for the Big Data Infrastructure

Big Data technologies are changing the traditional technology domains and their successful use will require new security models and new security design approaches to address emerging security challenges. This paper intends to provide initial analysis of the security issues and challenges in Big Data and map new challenges and problems to the traditional security domains and technologies. The paper starts with the Big Data definition and discusses the features that impact the most the Big Data security, such as Veracity, Volume, Variety, and dynamicity. The paper analyses the paradigm change and new challenges to Big Data security. The paper refers to the generic Scientific Data Infrastructure SDI model and discusses security services related to the proposed Federated Access and Delivery Infrastructure FADI that serves as an integration layer for potentially multi-provider multi-domain federated project oriented services infrastructure. The paper provides suggestions for practical implementation of such important security infrastructure components as federated access control and identity management, fine-grained data-centric access control policies, and the Dynamic Infrastructure Trust Bootstrap Protocol DITBP that allows deploying trusted remote virtualised data processing environment. The paper refers to the past and ongoing project experience by authors and discusses how this experience can be consolidated to address new Big Data security challenges identified in this paper.
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