Which is a sustainable development of dairy sector in Vietnam: Dairy household farms or intensive and large scale farms

Demand for dairy products in Vietnam has been increased rapidily. However, locally produced milk was low and cou Id not meet the increased local comsumption. ln 2000, the impotation of dairy products occupied 95% of the local comsumption. 1 n order to redu ce dairy products irnported, in 200 l Vietnam Gorvrnent issued several solution and policies for dairy development in Vietnam, oriented toward suppo11ing dairy cattle bouse holds (HH). For ten years f om 2001 to 2010), dairy catie population bas increaded f om 35.000 heads to 130.000 heads, most of dairy cattle were reared in small 1-ll-ls. Although the responses seerned to be positive, locally produced milk was still lower than the clemand for the increased milk consumption in the country. ln 2008, Vietnam Gorvment issued the stretagy for livestck development to wards 2020 with an orientation of dairy cattle development in semi-intensive and intensive family farms. As a result, dairy enterprises had developed a big number of large scale dairy farms. Apperancc of a big number of large scale clair-y farms raised some questions for the future of dairy industry in Vietnam, especialy the soco-economic and environmeltal sustanability in dairy farms. This paper gave some discussion ofhow to do and what to do for the future of dairy industry in Vietnam. (Resume d'auteur)
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