Correlations between Serum Trace Elements (Selenium, Copper and Zinc) and Antioxidant Vitamins (Vitamin A, E and C) in Clinically Healthy Dromedary Camels
ABSTRACT The present study was carried out in November 2010 on 30 male clinically healthy dromedary camels ( Camelus dromedarius ) from several farms in Yazd province, the central part of Iran. Camels were examined prior to sampling and proved to be clinically healthy. Animals were assigned into 5 equal (n=6) groups, including under 1, 1-3, 4-6, 7-9 and above 10 years old. Blood samples were taken and sera were analyzed to determine the concentrations of selenium, copper, zinc and vitamin A, E and C. Selenium was significantly correlated with zinc in 4-6 years old group (r=0.855; P=0.03). A significant negative correlation between copper and vitamin A in 7-9 years old dromedary camel was seen (r=-0.911; P=0.01). Vitamin C was negatively correlated (r=-0.802; P=0.04) with zinc in under 1 year old dromedary calves. Vitamin A positively correlated with vitamin C in 1-3 years old (r=0.802, P=0.04) and above 10 years old (r=0.883; P=0.02) groups. It was concluded that correlations, either positive or negative, exist between certain trace elements and measured vitamins with respect to the specific age groups which shows that these finding should be considered in providing optimal and proper feeding in camel. Key Words: Trace elements, anti-oxidant vitamins, correlation, Camelus dromedarius OZET KLINIK OLARAK SAĞLIKLI TEK HORGUCLU DEVELERDE SERUM IZ ELEMENTLERI (SELENYUM, BAKIR VE CINKO) ILE ANTIOKSIDAN VITAMINLER (VITAMIN A, E VE C) ARASINDAKI KORELASYONLAR Bu calisma Kasim 2010 tarihinde, Iran'in orta kesimlerindeki Yazd ilinin farkli ciftliklerinde bulunan, 30 adet klinik olarak saglikli tek horguclu develer ( Camelus dromedarius ) uzerinde gerceklestirilmistir. Develerin ornekleme oncesi yapilan muayenesinde klinik olarak saglikli olduklari belirlenmistir. Hayvanlar 1 yas alti, 1-3, 4-6, 7-9 ve 10 yas olmak uzere 5 esit gruba (n: 6) ayrilmistir. Kan ornekleri alinmis ve serumlar selenyum, bakir, cinko ve vitamin A, E ve C konsantrasyonu belirlemek icin analiz edilmistir. 4-6 yas grubunda selenyum ile cinko arasindaki korelasyon onemli bulunmustur (r=0,855; P=0,03). 7-9 yasli tek horguclu develerde bakir ile vitamin A arasindaki negatif korelasyon istatistiki acidan onemli bulunmustur (r=-0,911; P=0,01). 1 yasin altindaki deve yavrularinda, vitamin C ile cinko arasinda negatif bir korelasyon (r=-0,802; P=0,04) mevcuttur.1-3 yasinda (r=0,802, P=0,04) ve 10 yasin ustundeki (r=0,883; P=0,02) gruplarda vitamin A ile C arasinda pozitif korelasyon bulunmustur. Bu bulgular develer icin en iyi ve en uygun beslenmenin saglanmasinda, belirli yas gruplarina gore, bazi iz elementler ve tespit edilen vitaminler arasindaki mevcut olan pozitif ve negatif korelasyonlarin dusunulmesi gerektigini gostermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: I z elementler, antioksidan vitaminler, korelasyon, Camelus dromedaries
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