KIRGIZİSTAN'LI BİR ÂLİM: ŞERAFEDDİN KERVÂNÎ (1905-1985) Hayatı, Eserleri ve Hadisçiliği

1990'h yillara kadar, iletisim kopuklugu yasadigimiz Orta Asya Turk topluluklarinda, Sovyet baskisina ragmen din ogrenimi suregelmistir. Buna paralelolarak, dini eserler de yazilmistir. Bu eserleri yazanlardan biri de Şerafeddin Kervaoi'dir. 1905-1985 yillari arasinda Kirgizistan'da yasayan yazar, Tarih, Edebiyat, Kellim, Akliid, Hadis, Fikih ve AhIlik alanlarinda eserler vermistir. Hadisle ilgili eserinin adi, "et-Ta'limu'I-Kalem Umeni'iiezi lem Ya'lem"dir. Eser, hadis literatuIil icinde, "Belirli sayida hadisleri toplayan eserler" kategorisine girmektedir. icerisinde, 316 tane hadis bulunmaktadir. Hadislerinin buyuk cogunlugu sahih ve hasendir. Eser, kendi kategorisinde orijinalolmamasina ragmen, o donem ve cografYa icin onemli bir boslugu doldurur niteliktedir. ABSTRACT In our last century, until 1990s, the religious education continued in The Middle Asian Turkish Communities despite the restraints of the Soviet Union. Thus, Works oftheology can also be found in these communities. One of the writers is Siiarafaddin Karvan1. The author, who lived between 1905 and 1985 in Kirgizistan, produced Works in the fields of History, Literature, Kelfun,, Hadith, Fikih and Ethics. His work on the study of Hadith is called "at-Ta'limu'I-Kalem Limen alleli Lam Ya'lem". .This work is accepted under the category of "The Works That Collect Certain Number of Hadith" and carries 316 hadiths in itself. Most of his hadiths are "sahih" and "hasene". Although his work is not an orijinalone in the field, it fulfills the cosiderable place in terms ofhis era and geopraphical strategy.
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