Streptognathodus (Conodonta) succession at the proposed Carboniferous-Permian boundary stratotype section, Aidaralash Creek, northern Kazakhstan

Streptognathodus Pa elements dominate conodont faunas from the proposed Carboniferous-Permian boundary stratotype at Aidaralash Creek, northern Kazakhstan. The phyletic development of this genus provides the means for subdividing the late Gzhelian to early Sakmarian prodeltaic section (Beds 9-37) into six zones. The preferred Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Permian System is 27 m above the base of Bed 19 at the first occurrence of Streptognathodus isolatus Chernykh, Ritter, and Wardlaw, 1996. This arbitrarily chosen point in the evolutionary continuum of nodose streptognathodids is recognizable in basinal rocks elsewhere in the Ural trough (lower part of Bed 16 at Usolka) as well as the cyclic shelf succession of the American Midcontinent (Glenrock Limestone Member of the Red Eagle Limestone). Eight new species of Streptognathodus occur in the Aidaralash collections: S. bellus n. sp., S. costaeflabellus n. sp., S. flexuosus n. sp., S. glenisteri n. sp., S. longilatus n. sp., S. rectangularis n. sp., S. sigmoidalis n. sp., and S. tenuialveus n. sp. In addition, three morphotypes with limited occurrence ( S. sp. A-C) are left in open nomenclature. New collections of topotype material from the nearby Tabantal River section permit clarification of S. barskovi (Kozur).
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