Modeling of trade enterprise processes

Sergey Yampolsky - Associate Professor, Department of Business Analytics, Faculty of Business Informatics, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation.E-mail: syampolsky@hse.ruAnatoly Shalamov - Researcher, Department of Statistical Problems of Informatics and Management, Institute of Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.Address: 44, Vavilova str., Moscow, 119333, Russian Federation.E-mail: The article covers issues of effectiveness of working capital management of a trading enterprise on the basis of the automated planning. This approach gives the possibility to use the classical methods of optimization of dynamic systems to determine the main parameters of the economic policy of the commercial enterprise for providing the best strategy for development. Using the proposed approach, algorithms we can be created for evaluating both managed and unmanaged risk and also for finding reasonable solutions for preventing them. When presenting the material, operational environment of the commercial enterprise is describing in traditional terms of trade and financial market, allowing its use everywhere where the information system "1C" is run, in the form of incremental software complex for forecasting and optimization. The developed mathematical model allows to solve the tasks of easing the selection and justification of decisions for the managers of a shopping enterprise, including these: prediction of time functions defining mathematical expectations of assets and liabilities, definition of share capital providing strategic objectives, identification of primary commodity-monetary policy, evaluation of efficiency of variants of produced plans. Results of forecasting the dynamics of the situation of circulating assets are presented in an integrated graphical form, which provides an opportunity to see the full picture of the forthcoming state of current assets of a trade organization, and the main participants of the trade and economic activity in a given time interval.
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