Della Robbia en Portugal: lujo, fe y tradición

In a country marked by the long duration of Gothic both in terms of taste and artistic consumption, and also in terms of cultural and intellectual training of artists and patrons, the early arrival of Italian works of art gradually mark the Portuguese landscape from the middle of the 15th century. Still around the Portuguese crown, the order of terracotta pieces to the workshop of the Della Robbia family (and also to Buglioni) became more frequent. Piety and religious fervor have found the answers in the material used and the iconography of works, particularly in the gloss of the glazed enameled terracottas and its expressiveness. The possession of these different pieces and their exhibition are marks of ostentation and luxury, in a context marked by erudite values and the austerity and simplicity of both the Poor Clares or the monks of Saint Jerome.
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