Thermodynamic Simulation ofaDetached HousewithDistrict Heating Subcentral.

Aphysical thermodynamic modelofadetached houseinthedistrict heating network, henceitisimportant tohave connected toalow-tempered district heating network ispresented. goodcooling capability intheDH network, tokeeptheeffi- Themodel iscreated inMathworks Simulink(® with apedagogic ap- ciency high. Combined heatandpowerplants normally havea proach inmind, e.g. masked subsystems divided intophysical com- total fuel efficiency around 80%(includes heatenergy), which ponents. Thehouse modeliseasily modified toanydetached house.canbecompared toaregular powerplant that hasanefficiency Provision isalso madetomakeitscalable tomulti-family houses. The ofaround 40%(8), (9), cf.Fig.1.Thismakesdistrict heat- district heating substation modeled isaparallel coupled plate heat ingacheap, reliable andenvironmental friendly heatenergy exchanger; which isthemostcommonsubstation insmaller buildings technique that iscommercially available today. Theheatina suchasvillas. Thepurpose ofcreating themodelwastoprovide a l i platform fortest andevaluation ofnewcontrol methods fordistrictdH systeisnsporte toitsorsthg x s heating system based onwireless sensor networks. Initial validation underground pipenetworks bywaterorsteam. ofthemodel ispresented. Atthecustomer, theenergy isusually transferred toahouse internal radiator andtapwatersystem inasocalled district FUEL~~~~FELHATNIG heat-energy isoften aby-product ofindustrial processes or NGY)
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