Antenatal HIV testing: assessment of a routine voluntary approach

Papers pp 16501656 The benefits of testing pregnant women for HIV are increasingly assured, particularly with regard to reducing vertical transmission.1 Yet uptake of antenatal HIV testing in Britain remains low.2 Our previous study examined an opt-in approach (women had to make an active choice to be tested).3 Some women were uncomfortable with this, feeling that it indicated high risk behaviour. We therefore assessed an approach based on similar requirements for information and consent but with a change in emphasis, in that testing was routine unless the woman declined. The testing programme was conducted during February to April 1998. Before their booking appointment, all women were sent a leaflet about blood tests to be conducted, including HIV testing. At the antenatal clinic they were offered an HIV test by midwives who had been trained to use a printed discussion protocol that emphasised the benefits and presented the test as routine, making it clear that the woman could decline. As with the other blood …
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