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10 anos de um CAPSi

This study aimed to identify the perceptions of working professionals of a CAPSi about the work on mental health of children and adolescents (CAMH), especially in order to describe the impasses and challenges faced by the service in its tenth year of operation. Fifteen service professionals were interviewed. The data were analyzed through the Descending Hierarchical Classification (DHC), possibled by the IRaMuTeQ software. The DHC formed five classes: 1- "The clinic in the CAPSi", a class that understands the professionals' questions about the CAPSi's clinical dimension, which leads to a look inside the service, especially regarding the protocols to be adopted for the care of users with autism; 2- "Articulation with the Network", where there are challenges related to the implementation of intersectoral policy; 3 - "Imaginary of the service", which comprises the historical crossings of Brazilian mental health, especially marked by the biomedical model, that still crosses the attention devices like the CAPSi, sometimes understood as a clinical-ambulatory service centered in the psychiatric specialty. 4- "Profile of global users", which goes back to the historical logic of actions dedicated to children and adolescents considered "deviant", a condition that contributes to the prevalence of users from families with low income and social vulnerability in CAPSi; 5 - "The Care of AD Users", which denotes the difficulty of CAPSi being a possible place for caring for users with alcohol and drug use needs, and therefore, the frequent "non-place" of these users in the service.
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