Gambaran Perilaku Kecanduan Game Online Pada AnakUsia Sekolah Di Wilayah Kecamatan Magetan

Background: The rapid technological developments of course have a negative impact, including the development of online games that can cause addiction to school-aged children. The results of a survey conducted by researchers, there are five internet gaming special online game in the District of Magetan with the average customer majority of school-aged children. From previous research mentioned that children who are addicted to online games can have an adverse effect in the near or long term. These adverse effects can affect the child's mental and physical health. Objective: This study was to describe or describe the behavior of school-aged children in Magetan Territory who are addicted to online games. Methods: This type of research is quantitative research, with the primary goal of making a description or description of a situation objectively (Notoatmojdo, 2012). The sampling technique in this research by purposive sampling technique, that is by determining the sample first with the condition of inclusions previously described Results: Given the behavior of school-aged children in the Magetan Subdistrict who are addicted to online gaming. These behaviors include the reasons for playing for wanting to interact with friends, the most played online games by school-aged children in the Magetan sub-district is Dota 2, including the MMOBA game type (Massively Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) is a sub category of MMORTS (Massively Multiplayer Online Real Time Strategy), it is known that the average school-aged children in the Magetan Sub-district who are addicted to online gaming play around 20 hours and 23 hours a week, the average child in the Magetan Sub District who has been addicted to online game play 11 years old, as much as 50%. Children in the Magetan Subdistrict who are addicted to online gaming experience 41.6% of family and social problems. Conclusion: The average duration of children who are addicted to playing online games is 20 hours to 23 hours a week. The average child who is addicted to online game play 11 years old Family and social problems can cause children addicted to online gaming.
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