Structural integrity of vessels for coal conversion systems

Structural integrity can be expected in large, thick walled coal conversion pressure vessels if they comply with the following conditions: 1. They are built in accordance with the requirements of the ASME and/or ANSI Codes. 2. The multidisciplined approach to design, material selection, and fabrication is adhered to, and communication between these groups is maintained. 3. The fracture toughness requirements imposed by experienced and reputable companies, which are considerably beyond those required by the Code, become the standard for the industry. 4. The sharing of technological developments is continued and, indeed, is increased. 5. The role of materials in the success of any conversion system is emphasized and assumes its rightful place in the development of coal conversion technology. There will be no industry if process and material development are not wed in pilot plant as well as demonstration plant facilities. 6. In-service surveillance programs are included in the operational plans for coal conversion systems. 7. The effect of the process environments on the mechanical properties of the pressure containment components is adequately established.
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