Calibration and Flight of the NRL EIT CalRoc

The ability to derive physical parameters of the Sun from observations by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) greatly increases the scientific return of the mission. The absolute and time variable calibration of EIT therefore is of extreme interest. The NRL EIT Calibration Sounding Rocket (CalRoc) program was initiated to provide well calibrated, contemporaneous observations in support of SOHO EIT. These observations provide three benefits to the SOHO EIT data, absolute calibration points, temporal and spatial information of the EIT EUV response variability in flight via flat field information and clues to the physics of the degradation. Details of the bandpasses of the multilayered optics and the total telescope photometry are presented. Comparisons are shown with the contemporaneous images from SOHO EIT. Plans for the second CalRoc flight are discussed. Loss of reflectivity in the multilayer mirrors has been identified as a new component to the SOHO EIT and CalRoc degradation.
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