Using PESTELMO to Frame HCI Contextual Development in Developing Countries

HCI4D is context-oriented. Literature highlights that successful implementation of HCI solutions in developing countries needs deeper understanding of the context. Despite numerous literatures pointing the importance of context-oriented HCI4D, there is no holistic method that guides researchers and implementers of HCI solutions in analysing different contexts of countries. To bridge this gap, this paper introduces the PESTELMO (Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological, Environmental, Managerial and Organisational) analysis method for holistic analysis of contexts in which HCI4D is researched or implemented. PESTELMO analysis method is proposed in this research as an integrated approach to analyse the external and internal environment surround HCI4D research or deployment, as a suitable method for analysis of dynamic political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, environmental and legal parameters in long-term planning and finally as a holistic approach to assess relations, interactions and interdependences among the PESTELMO factors and sub-factors.
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