Human resource transformation in India: examining the role digital human resource technology and human resource role

Human resource (HR) transformation research has not studied the role of digital HR technology and HR role in the context of Indian organisations. To address the gap, the current research aims to investigate the impact of HR role and digital HR technology on successful HR transformation. Further, the research shall investigate the mediating role of various HR roles (i.e. administrative, employee champion, change agent and strategic partner role) on digital HR technology and business outcomes.,The research used a post-positivist methodology using survey method. Data has been collected from 918 executives representing several sectors of Fortune 500 Indian companies. Validated instrument has been used and the collected data are analysed using AMOS and structural equation modelling.,HR transformation using Digital human resource technology (HRT) can significantly enhance business outcome of fortune 500 companies of India if it is mediated by different HR role (strategic, employee champion, change agent and administrative expert). The result also proved that just implementation and adaption of the Digital HRT may not guarantee HR Transformation unless HR optimise the specific role as per the need of the hour.,HR transformation research has not studied the role of digital HR technology and HR role in the context of fortune 500 Indian organisations.
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