Dose-finding and safety study of an oncolytic polio/rhinovirus recombinant against recurrent glioblastoma.

2094 Background: Current therapies for glioblastoma are limited by ineffective delivery beyond the blood-brain barrier, limited diffusion of macromolecules, and lack of tumor specificity. Sustained direct intracerebral infusion at slow flow rates [convection-enhanced delivery (CED)] can overcome delivery barriers. PVSRIPO is the live attenuated, oral (SABIN) serotype 1 poliovirus vaccine containing a heterologous internal ribosomal entry site stemming from human rhinovirus type 2. PVSRIPO recognizes nectin-like molecule-5, an oncofetal cell adhesion molecule and tumor antigen widely expressed ectopically in malignancy. We report the results of an ongoing phase I study evaluating PVSRIPO when delivered by CED. Methods: Eligible on study are adult patients with: 1-5 cm of measurable supratentorial recurrent glioblastoma ≥1cm away from the ventricles; ≥4 weeks after chemotherapy, bevacizumab or study drug; adequate organ function; KPS ≥70%; and positive anti-poliovirus titer. PVSRIPO is delivered intratumora...
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