A sífilis e suas manifestações bucais: relato de caso clínico

This article sought to present the case of a 26-year-old male patient who came to the stomatology clinic for presenting multiple, painless, irregular, whitish lesions located in the oral cavity. He also had a visually enlarged and palpable lymph node in the submental region. With a clinical hypothesis of sexually trasmitted infection, complementary diagnostic tests were requested. The patient was positive for the screening test for Syphilis and the Mantoux test and was referred to the medical service for diagnostic confirmation and treatment. Subsequently, he underwent specific serological test that confirmed the diagnosis of Syphilis and ruled out other infections. The patient was treated with Penicillin G Benzatin and immediately after the first dose of the medication, he presented total regression of the lesions located in the mouth. Syphilis, even today, is a public health problem and a major challenge lies in the recognition of manifestations located in extragenital sites. Although the oral cavity is not the preferred site of involvement, it is a region of frequent involvement. Therefore, the detailed clinical examination associated with the request for serological tests cannot be neglected and the dentist must be able to recognize the suspected lesions of this infection.
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