Cookiestepung ketan hitam merupakan inovasi produk cookies yang terbuat dari tepung ketan hitam tanpa tambahan tepung terigu.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui rangkaian proses yang dilakukan dalam pengembangan inovasi produk cookies, mengetahui tingkat kesukaan produk cookies berbahan dasar tepung ketan hitam melalui uji hedonik sesuai dengan sifat sensori yang telah ditentukan dan mengetahui hasil daya terima produk cookies berbahan dasar tepung ketan hitam. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan langkah-langkah berupa analisis resep, uji coba, uji sensori dan uji hedonik. Atribut sensori yang menjadi acuan oleh panelis meliputi bentuk, warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur, kerenyahan dan kesan keseluruhan. Berdasarkan pengolahan data dan hasil uji penerimaan yang telah dilakukan oleh 4 panel pencicip perseorangan (individual expert) dan uji sensori hedonik yang dilakukan kepada 30 orang panel tidak terlatih (untrained panel) didapatkan bahwa produk cookies berbahan dasar tepung ketan hitam disukai baik dari segi bentuk, warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur, kerenyahan, dan kesan keseluruhan dan sangat diterima secara positif sebagai inovasi produk cookies. ;---Black glutinous cookies is innovation a productcookies made from black glutinous flour without any wheat flour addition . The purpose of this study was to determine the series of processes carried out in the development of cookies product innovation, to determine the level of preference of products made from black glutinous flour through hedonic tests in accordance with the sensory nature of the product and find out the results of the acceptance from black glutinous flour cookies products.The method used is an experimental method with steps in the form of prescription analysis, experiments, sensory tests and hedonic tests.Sensory attributes that are the reference by panelists include shape, color, aroma, taste, texture, crispness and overall impression. Based on the tabulating data and the results of the acceptance tests that have been carried out by 4 panels of individual expert and hedonic sensory tests accomplished by 30 untrained panels, it was found that the products made from black glutinous flour were favored and accepted positively in terms of shape, color, aroma, taste, texture, crispness, and overall impression were very welcomed as a product innovation of cookies.
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