Retroperitoneal Teratoma in an Adult With Carcinoid as the Main Component

Teratomas are uncommon in adults. A case report in an adult is described. The histopathology revealed a teratoma with a main component of the tumour to be a Carcinoid. This combination has not been found in the literature till date. Most teratomas arise in infancy and are seen in the sacrococcygeal region [1, 2]. They are also seen in the retroperitoneum, mediastinum and other parts of the body. The presentation in adults is uncommon. The frequency of malignancy increases with age [3]. The incidence of endocrine carcinoma in the retroperitoneum is extremely low [4]. Carcinoid tumours usually involve the gastrointestinal tract or the bronchial tree [5, 6]. Retroperitoneum is a very rare site [6]. In searching literature we could not find any case of a retroperitoneal teratoma in an adult with Carcinoid as the main component.
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