Picosecond streak-cameras for bunch diagnostics in accelerators

Temporal parameters of synchrotron pulse radiation at damping ring (DP) installation of VEPP-5 type were measured with the help of PS-1/S1 picosecond streak camera having 1.5 ps time resolution. These measurements were proceeded within 400-900 nm spectral range. It has been shown that our streak camera may record either a train of electron bunches with ns-duration or internal structure inside a single bunch. We were able to record the distance ~ 1.5 ns between separate bunches as well as their amplitude, which depends on particle numbers inside a bunch. Depending on linear accelerator mode of operation it was possible to define a single bunch duration, which was deviated within the range of 20-100 ps. The temporal structure of a single bunch was measured with 1.5 ps time accuracy. As a result, the VEPP-5 damping ring parameters were optimized, and particles injection conditions were improved. In addition, we have measured the temporal parameters of Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation (VCR) emitted by electron beam of linear accelerator. Our results provided important information on electron bunches formation and their quality inside linear accelerator before electrons injection inside a damping ring. Another series of experiments were done at VEPP-4M electron-positron collider. The dependence of beam length of the beam current measured with streak-camera allowed us to compute the wide-band impedance of the accelerator. The same data were obtained at Siberia-2 synchrotron radiation source (NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow).
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