Role of MIMICS© in Reconstructive Neurosurgery - A Case Study

In the past few years, medicine has become more and more technical, or better yet more dependent on technology. The current paper presents a case study and is the proof of the efficiency, usefulness and future applicability of an interdisciplinary partnership between clinicians from neurosurgery medical imaging department and engineers. The clinical case analyzed was of a 37 years old woman who had suffered a major cranial trauma at the level of frontal bone. Each step taken for the patient’s treatment and her evolution was thoroughly analysed. The patient’s DICOM (CT) scan was imported in MIMICS© Materialise NV. Regarding the exercise, with the help of MIMICS, the appropriate surgical technique agreed upon by the multidisciplinary work group was frontal bone exposure and bone fragment removal. The MIMICS© utilisation should become a constant of medical activity and involve a wider range of specialities, because it offers a visual aid and suggestions for practical cases. It also offers a good economical alternative, and it is time effective
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