Factores Relacionados con el Uso del Mamograma de Cernimiento en Mujeres de Edad Mediana en Puerto Rico

Mammography for low-income women is an important intervention issue as it is still under utilized in these sectors. Despite evidence in favor of breast cancer screening with mammograms, research indicates that mammogram compliance among low-income females and women over 50 years of age has been slow. This article revolves around the factors that affect compliance with screening mammograms among low-income women ages 40 to 64 in Puerto Rico once they receive a referral from a physician. Although the multivariate analysis demonstrated that only age, work outside of the home and performing breast self-exams significantly increased the probability for middle-aged, low-income women in Puerto Rico to comply with referrals and have mammograms, this research illustrated that certain factors such as knowledge about the disease and screening practices, a satisfactory perception of the patient-physician relationship, and the performance of a clinical breast exam by a physician influence mammogram compliance. (AU)
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