Statistical analysis of textural data from complex pyroclastic sequences: implications for fragmentation processes of the Agnano-Monte Spina Tephra (4.1 ka), Phlegraean Fields, southern Italy

The Agnano-Monte Spina eruption (4.1 ka) generated pyroclastic deposits with complex internal stratigraphy that reflects variations in eruptive style. To obtain constraints on the fragmentation processes, we analysed grain-size and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) data by means of multivariate statistical techniques of the cluster and factor analysis types. The results allow the identification of end-member deposits related to either pure magmatic activity, or pure phreatomagmatic activity. In addition, some deposits show evidence of the contemporaneous operation of both end-member fragmentation modes. The presence of the two contrasting fragmentation processes during the various phases of explosive activity is tentatively interpreted to be a function in inhomogeneities in gas exsolution processes within the magma column that feeds the eruption.
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