Feeding of young-of-the-year fishes of the Curonian lagoon of the Baltic sea in 2016

Results of studies on nutrition of juvenile fishes of the Curonian Lagoon of the Baltic Sea are presented. Material on young-of-the-years nutrition was collected in October 2016 during the expeditions of «AtlantNIRO» at 14 standard stations in the Curonian Lagoon. A total of 418 specimens of young-of-the-years were collected and processed. Juveniles of fishes of the Curonian Lagoon were represented by 10 species: pikeperch, bream, roach, perch, smelt, ruffe, three-spined stickleback, ninespine stickleback, bleak and sabrefish. Planktonic and benthic invertebrates formed a basis of the young-of-the-years diet. In most species of juvenile fishes, the nutritional spectra did not differ from the nutritional spectra in the range. An exception was juveniles of the ruff and ninespine stickleback, in which planktonic crustaceans predominated in the diet, while in other reservoirs they consumed bottom organisms. Only Cladocera and Copepoda were found in the diet of roach of juveniles; bottom organisms were absent. In the range of roach juveniles, bottom organisms and mollusks prevailed. The food similarity indices for juvenile fish in the Curonian Lagoon are quite high, which may indicate a tension in food relations between juveniles and (or) partial or complete overlap of their food niches. The weakening of food competition is ensured by the divergence of daily dietary peaks. Three-spined and nine-spined sticklebacks as well as a sabrefish and sticklebacks have the closest food spectrum. On the contrary, sabrefish and bream have a different food spectrum. The peculiarity of feeding of pikeperch juveniles in 2016 was the lack of transition to predatory nutrition.
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