Activation of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products Triggers a p21 ras -dependent Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Pathway Regulated by Oxidant Stress

Abstract Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) exert their cellular effects on cells by interacting with specific cellular receptors, the best characterized of which is the receptor for AGE (RAGE). The transductional processes by which RAGE ligation transmits signals to the nuclei of cells is unknown and was investigated. AGE-albumin, a prototypic ligand, activated p21ras in rat pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells that express RAGE, whereas nonglycated albumin was without effect. MAP kinase activity was enhanced at concentrations of AGE-albumin, which activated p21ras and NF-κB. Depletion of intracellular glutathione rendered cells more sensitive to AGE-mediated activation of this signaling pathway. In contrast, signaling was blocked by preventing p21ras from associating with the plasma membrane or mutating Cys118 on p21ras to Ser. Signaling was receptor-dependent, because it was prevented by blocking access to RAGE with either anti-RAGE IgG or by excess soluble RAGE. These data suggest that RAGE-mediated induction of cellular oxidant stress triggers a cascade of intracellular signals involving p21ras and MAP kinase, culminating in transcription factor activation. The molecular mechanism that triggers this pathway likely involves oxidant modification and activation of p21ras.
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