Функциональное состояние симпатико-адреналовой системы и почек у женщин с артериальной гипертонией в перименопаузе на фоне антигипертензивной терапии

84 women in perimenopause confirmed by medical history and hormonal status tests participated in the study; control group consisted of 64 patients with first or second degree hypertension and 20 apparently healthy women. Daily monitoring included blood pressure control, assessment of the functional status of sympathetic-adrenal system by the size of β-adrenoreceptors in erythrocyte membranes, test for microalbiminuria and glomerular filtration rate using Cockcroft-Gault formula. Group 1 included patients with first degree hypertension (23 women) which received losartan 50-100 mg/d monotherapy (Losarel, Sаndоz); group 2 patients (43 women) with second degree hypertension received combination therapy: losartan 100 mg/d and Lodoz (bisoporol 5 mg + hydrochlorothiazide 6.25 mg). Treatment lasted 12 weeks; patients were examined before inclusion in the study and after the study. Reduction in blood pressure to the target level was registered in all patients. There were no side or adverse effects. Initially elevated levels of β-adrenoreceptors in erythrocyte membranes significantly decreased in both groups, as a result of improved functional status of sympathetic-adrenal system. Renal excretion of nitrogen evaluated by glomerular filtration rate was not impaired; microalbiminuria increased manifold compared to reference values. After 12 weeks of treatment, microalbiminuria decreased in patients of all groups as a result of nephroprotective effect of antyheprtensive drug therapy.
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