In situ production of chlorine-36 in the eastern Snake River Plain aquifer, Idaho : implications for describing ground-water contamination near a nuclear facility

mtroduction _^ Purpose and scope 2 Geohydrology of the study area 2 Acknowledgments ^ Memods ^^ Field methods 5 Analytical methods 5 Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) 5 Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) 6 Loss on ignition (LOI) 6 Ion-selective electrode potentiometry (ISEP) '....7 Data processing 7 Chloride 7 Gadolinium 7 Lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, and fluorine 9 Samarium, terbium, uranium, and thorium 11 Elements reported as oxides 11 Volatile components 12 Basalt and rhyolite 12 Carbonate sedimentary rocks 13 Noncarbonate sedimentary and metamorphic rocks 13 Anomalous data 13 In situ production of chlorine-36 14 Comparison of in situ produced chlorine-36 with concentrations in water 20 Summary ' 21 References Cited 22
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