Modelling the Dispersion Behavior of Conservative Pollutants within Daechung Dam using EFDC-Hydro

Abstract Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 705-712, October, 2012 상하수도학회지, 논문 26권 5호, pp.705-712, 10월, 2012 1. 서 론 이제까지 우리나라에서는 일정 유역에 유입되는 유입 오염물질의 호소 및 하천 내 확산 및 거동을 흐름방향과 수직방향으로 예측하기 위해 2차원 수리-수질 모델인 CE-QUAL-W2를 널리 사용하고 있다. CE-QUAL-W2모델은 미공병단(U.S Army Corps of Engineers)에서 1986년 개발된 이래 지금까지 지속적으로 개선되어 왔다. Edinger and Buchak에 의해 개발된 원 모델은 LARM(Laterally Averaged Reservoir Model)으로 알려져 있으며, 지류가 없는 저수지에 최초로 적용되었다(Cole과 Buchak, 1995). 이어 GLVHT (Generalized Longitudinal-Verti-cal Hydrodynamic and Transport Model)는 LARM 모델에 여러 지류와 하구 경계조건이 허용되도록 추가하여 발전하였다. 미공병단 WES (Waterways Experiment Station)의 수질모델 EFDC를 이용한 대청댐내 보존성 오염물질 확산 모델링에 관한 연구Modelling the Dispersion Behavior of Conservative Pollutants within Daechung Dam using EFDC-Hydro 박노석 1* ·김성수 1 ·정선아 1 ·김종오 2 ·김도환 1 ·강문선 3 No-Suk Park 1* ·Seong-Su Kim 1 ·Sun-A Chong 1 ·Jong-Oh Kim 2 ·Do-Hwan Kim 1 ·Moon-Sun Kang 3 1 한국수자원공사 K-water 연구원·2 강릉원주대학교 토목공학과·3 ㈜코오롱글로벌(2012년 5월18일 접수; 2012년 10월12일 수정; 2012년 10월15일 채택) Selecting Daechung Dam as a sample study site, this study simulates virtual water quality incident which can be occurred using EFDC maintained by USEPA. In order to predict the behavior and diffusion of leaked conservative pollutant within dam under the worst condition, the hydrological data and information from 2008 were used. EFDC was successfully calibrated for observed water level obtained from the above sources. From the results of simulations, even though the concentrations (500 ppm, 1,000 ppm and 10,000 ppm) of leaked pollutant were different with each other at the same sources, the travel time of each peak con-centration appeared similar. Also, changing the leak source point from dam gate(0 km) to 7 km, it was found that as leak source point was nearer to the dam gate, the travel time of each peak concentration showed up sooner. It was simulated to take 1 day to 15 days for initial appearance of the leaked pollutant according to the leaked points, and 3 days to 25 days for the reach of the peak concentration, respectively. Key words : EFDC, Daechung Dam, Conservative pollutants, water quality incident, water quality simulation주제어 : EFDC-Hydro, 대청댐, 보존성오염물, 비상용수, 수질모의*Corresponding author : Tel.: 042-870-7525, Fax : 042-870-7549, E-mail : S. Park)
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