Der Neuropsychologe in der Akutklinik - Beschreibung eines Berufsbildes

The Acute Neuropsychologist: Description of a Profession Abstract: Cognitive and affective dysfunctions are frequent symptoms of neurological diseases. In the primary phase of neurological treatment these deficits can often not sufficiently be diagnosed or treated. During the past 15 years, the «acute neuropsycholgy» has emerged in Germany at larger neurological departments as a new clinical discipline in the diagnosis and management of neuropsychological disturbances. Acute neuropsychology emphasizes early diagnosis and therapy, follow-up measurements during neurological therapy, counseling, and the scheduling of further rehabilitation strategies. The differential diagnosis between psychosomatic related cognitive symptoms and neuropsychological disorders on the basis of brain-injury is another focus of interest. The «neuropsychological monitoring» of patients during interventional procedures is another area of major importance within the domain of primary neurological care. Neuropsychological visits and ...
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