Die Ausgrabungen in Bubastis/Zagazig und zwei neue Ofenbefunde aus Ägypten

In the early '90s excavations were carried out in the temple area of Tell Basta (Bubastis). The universities of Potsdam and of Zagazig cooperated in protecting the ruin site of the Bastet temple in its current state, partly reconstructing it by means of new excavations. In the spring 1998, during the tenth excavation campaign, it was possible to investigate a kiln and a furnace which proved to be of remarkable standard in spite of considerable disturbances by former excavations and by uncontrolled gaining of earth and material. They were found to be of 1st and 2nd century origin. Both the pottery kiln and the furnace could be clearly classified. Close parallels to the kiln can be found in the whole area of the Roman provinces. The function and reconstruction can also be shown by using modern ethnographical examples. It proves a strong influence of the Roman culture on the technological development of Egypt in the first centuries AD. During the same period, the kiln and the furnace were also part of a systematic destruction of the older cultural assets, that is the temple area, of which only a skeleton remains. Dealing with the relics of the destruction period as well as with the architectural parts of the magnificent temple one can obtain new indications of its former dimensions and of its eventful history.
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