Модернизация содержания обучения истории фармации в вузе

In recent years in economically developed countries of the world significant increase in interest to history of science, equipment, natural sciences, medicine, pharmacy that is accompanied by reasonable attention to teaching of these disciplines is noted. Foreign experts connect scientific, technical successes of the USA, Japan, Australia, the majority of the countries of the European Union with broad general and professional culture of the experts, one of which elements acquaintance to history of formation of scientific potential in this or that area of knowledge is. Consequence of these processes were changes in methodology of researches, more active use of sciencemetrics methods of studying of processes of formation of the scientific and technical potential, directed on formalization, an assessment and the analysis of the received knowledge (statistical, qualimetrical methods), etc. Multiple aspects of history of pharmacy is caused by the complex content of the concept "pharmacy".
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