Minimum conservation measures for Lunca Poganisului protected area.

The anthropic activities together with the demographic growth and the overexploitation of the natural resources represent the most important way of the biodiversity degradation, leading to the extinction of a large numbers of species. The main causes that lead to loss of the biodiversity are determined by the fragmentation, degradation and destruction of habitats, pollution, global climate changes, overexploitation, invasive species and diseases. Under these circumstances, the application of some measures for the biodiversity conservation becomes necessary and also an essential condition for life maintaining on Earth. Due to its geographical position, Romania has a rich and unique biodiversity both at the genetic level and at the ecosystems and species level. Lunca Pogănisului protected area, with an area of 75.5 hectares, is located in the west of Romania, in center of the Banat Region, at the limit of Sacosu Turcesc and Tormac villages, with coordinates 45° 35 'N and respectively 21° 30' E. The main aim of the establishment of the 2736 Lunca Pogănisului protected natural area is to conserve the habitats and the species with national and community interest, declared under Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora. Lunca Pogănisului was declared a nature reserve, the objective of this reservation is the protection of variegated tulip species (Fritillaria meleagris), Mediterranean species of the Lily Family. The anthropic influence caused by: grazing, agriculture, chemical treatments, collection of biological material, illegal cutting of colorful tulips and woody vegetation, illegal storing of waste, presents a negative inflluence on the natural development of the protected ecosystems on the area surface. The destruction of the habitats and species from the Lunca Poganisului national interest protected area requires the implementation of some conservation measures. Local population know a few things about the status of the protected area, a lot of local people don't even know of the existence of the protected natural area. The aim of this paper is to propose a minimum set of conservation measures for 2736 Lunca Poganisului national interest protected area, measures that lead to a better long-term conservation of the species and habitats present in the area.
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