Green Chemistry in Africa - its inception and challenges

Much to the dismay of chemists, and those employed in the field, it has become apparent that the image of chemistry around the world has deteriorated. One of various reasons for this may be the negative impact that loose handling of chemicals and waste, on occasions, had on the environment. One of the objectives of the International Year of Chemistry (IYC) 2011 was to improve the public's image and understanding of the subject. The concept of Green Chemistry was formulated 24 years ago in the USA to tackle challenges facing chemistry in the 21st century. It has brought about a major positive shift in the way chemists think, process, handle and dispose of chemicals. Since its formulation, the returns on investments in Green Chemistry are increasing rapidly. It may eventually hold the key to Africa's future sustainability of economic, social and environmental development if regional educational needs are recognised and addressed, and if investment in Green Chemistry increases in the areas of research and de...
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