Systems to create a specified effect on a tissue using microwave energy

A system for applying microwave energy to the skin, comprising: a signal generator (304) adapted to generate a microwave signal having an electric field component; an applicator (320) comprising one or more microwave antennas (358) and an interface for contact with tissue (362), the applicator (320) connected to the signal generator (304) and adapted to apply the microwave signal to skin, wherein the microwave signal has an electric field component; a vacuum source (308) connected to the camera to the tissue; a chamber for the fabric adapted to move a skin surface (1306) in thermal contact with a cooling plate (340) in the interface contact with the tissue, the cooling plate oriented with respect to the antenna to be parallel being the electric field component of the microwave signal; a coolant source (310) connected to said interface for contact with tissue (362) and adapted to cool the skin in thermal contact interface for contact with tissue; and a controller (302) adapted to control the signal generator (304), the vacuum source (308) and the coolant source (310), wherein the one or more microwave antennas (358) are configured to radiate microwave energy into the skin, taking the microwave energy frequency and orientation of the electric field that generate a standing wave pattern which has a maximum constructive interference in a target tissue, thereby creating a maximum temperature in the tissue target, creating a core lesion (1321); wherein the source of coolant removes heat from the skin surface (1306) and at least one top of the dermal layer of the skin (1305) to prevent the heat from diffusing into a top of the dermal layer skin (1305); wherein the controller (302) is configured to stop the application of microwave energy after a predetermined time sufficient to raise the temperature of the tissue structure period; and wherein the microwave signal has a frequency in the range: between about 4 GHz and about 10 GHz; or between 5 GHz and 6.5 GHz approximately; or about 5.8 GHz.
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