Fermi Bubbles Inflated by Winds Launched from the Hot Accretion Flow in Sgr A

A pair of giant gamma-ray bubbles have been revealed by the {\it Fermi} LAT. In this paper we investigate their formation mechanism. Observations have indicated that the activity of the supermassive black hole located at the Galactic center, Sgr A*, was much stronger than the present time. Specifically, one possibility is that while Sgr A* was also in the hot accretion regime, the accretion rate should be $10^3-10^4$ times higher during the past $\sim 10^7$ yr. On the other hand, recent MHD numerical simulations of hot accretion flows have unambiguously shown the existence of strong winds and obtained their properties. Based on these knowledge, by performing three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations, we show in this paper that the Fermi bubbles could be inflated by winds launched from the ``past' hot accretion flow in Sgr A*. In our model, the active phase of Sgr A* is required to last for about 10 million years and it was quenched no more than 0.2 million years ago. The Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) is included and it collimates the wind orientation towards the Galactic poles. Viscosity suppresses the Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities and results in the smoothness of the bubble edge. The main observational features of the bubbles can be well explained. Specifically, the {\it ROSAT} X-ray features are interpreted by the shocked interstellar medium and the interaction region between winds and CMZ gas. The thermal pressure and temperature obtained in our model are in good consistency with the recent {\it Suzaku} observations.
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