Effects of Uncertainty Reduction, Reward Value, and Variety on Children's Choice Behavior.

DO UMENT RESUME CG 006 698 Feldstein, Jerome H. Effects of Uncertainty Reductilne Reward Value, and Variety on ChiLdren's Choice BeAavior. State Univ. of New York, Genesco. Apr 71 3p.; Paper presented at Eastern Psychological Association annual me tinge New York, N.Y., April 15-17, 1971 MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29 *Children; *Learning; Learning Motivation; Motivation; *Reinforcemen *Rewards; *Teaching Sixty-four 4th grade s were subjects in this experiment which examined children's choice behavior under conditions of uncertainty. In the experimental condition, 2 rewards were offered, one of which was concealed by a question mark. In addition the question mark concealed one of 2 possible rewards, presented according to varied probability schedules. To the subjects, it was uncertain what was under the question mark. The control condition contained no such uncertainty, since the question_marks were colored and associated with a specific, known reward. Findings indicate that children chose the question mark more frequently in the experimental condition than in the control condition. Other findings are also reported which suggest that the desire to reduce uncertainty is not the only variable operating, but that the value of the reward influences choice as well. The data points to the incentive properties of uncertainty reduction, or information, for children. Implications for learning are touched upon in the discussion. (TL) EFFECTS OF UNCERTAINTY REDUCTION, REWARD VALUE, AND VARIETY, ON CHILDREN'S CHOICE BEHAVIOR
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