Instrumental Estimation of E-model Equipment Impairment Factor Parameters for Super-wideband Opus Codec

WebRTC includes a set of novel technologies and standards that provide high quality audio, video and arbitrary data exchange. By enabling rich interactivity experience, We-bRTC allows the users to directly interact with use of web and mobile applications without the need for additional plugins. The open standard Opus codec is a default audio codec employed by WebRTC for speech communication and music streaming with a wide range of bitrates supported. This range of bitrates is available for narrowband (300–3400 Hz), wideband (100–7000 Hz) up to super-wideband (50–14000 Hz) audio bandwidths. To estimate a quality experienced by the end user for voice transmission service, E-model standardized in the ITU-T Rec. G.107 (a narrowband version) and the ITU-T Rec. G.107.1 (a wideband version) can be used. With the upcoming extension towards the super-wideband E-model, it will be soon possible to estimate the quality of narrowband, wideband as well as super-wideband speech communication. In this paper, we calculate two codec specific parameters, namely the equipment impairment factor Ie and packet loss robustness Bpl for the super-wideband mode of the Opus codec using the instrumental method. The derived values make it possible to integrate the E-model in realtime communication applications including WebRTC to assess the quality experienced by the end user.
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