Внутритканевая терапия интерфероном влечении длительно незаживающих ран

The aim of the study was to improve the results of treatment of long-term non-healing postoperative wounds by intra-tissue application of alpha interferon in patients with melanoma. Material and methods of research. For the treatment of long-term non - healing wounds of patients with melanoma (T1 - 2N0M0), a solution of alpha interferon was introduced into the bottom and along the edges of the wound (the main group-37 people), and in the control (n=35), traditional wound treatment was continued. clinical and cytological parameters of the wound process were evaluated. results. The marked differences in the terms of wound cleansing and granulation appearance are shown - a decrease of 3 and 2 times, respectively, in comparison with the control group. In the main group, the time of final wound healing is 2.5 times lower than in the control group. On the 3rd day in the main group cytologically revealed a pattern of marked decrease in the inflammatory process. After 10 days after the start of alpha-interferon, there was a positive dynamics of the wound process (a decrease in the number of leukocytes and lymphocytes and an increase in connective tissue cells and macrophages). On the 14th day after the start of treatment in the main group cytological picture reflects the activation of reparative processes. In a cytological study in the control group, the above changes occur at a later date, which corresponds to the clinical picture of the course of the wound process. Conclusions. The interstitial application of interferon for the treatment of long-termnon-healin gpost operative wounds of patients with skin melanoma cansignificantly shorten the healing time of the postoperative wound by stimulatingloca limmuneresponses, followed by the development of active granulations and rapid epithelization of the wound
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