Binding mechanism of nonspecific lipid transfer proteins and their role in plant defense.

Plant nonspecific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs) are small basic proteins that transport phospholipids between membranes. On the basis of molecular mass, nsLTPs are subdivided into nsLTP1 and nsLTP2. NsLTPs are all helical proteins stabilized by four conserved disulfide bonds. The existence of an internal hydrophobic cavity, running through the molecule, is a typical characteristic of nsLTPs that serves as the binding site for lipid-like substrates. NsLTPs are known to participate in plant defense, but the exact mechanism of their antimicrobial action against fungi or bacteria is still unclear. To trigger plant defense responses, a receptor at the plant surface needs to recognize the complex of a fungal protein (elicitin) and ergosterol. NsLTPs share high structural similarities with elicitin and need to be associated with a hydrophobic ligand to stimulate a defense response. In this study, binding of sterol molecules with rice nsLTPs is analyzed using various biophysical methods. NsLTP2 can accommodate...
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